
Wednesday, January 26, 2011


There once was a puppy...

..who needed a blanket.

And now he has one. His name is Woofy, by the way.

The pattern's from Itty-Bitty Toys and it's a Wrap-Me-Up Puppy. He is knit in Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece, and the blanket is some leftover Cascade 220. That's a crochet border, in case you were wondering. (And I know you were).

And with that project completed, I allowed myself to start a new one - a slow start given I had to wind a huge hank of yarn. I know there are machines that can do this for me, but I figure, for the cost of one of them, I could afford another four or five hanks of this lovely stuff. It's Cascade Ecological Wool and it comes in a massive 250g skein - that's five times the size of a normal one. This enormous ball is nearly half a kilometre of wool!


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