
Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Dealer

I had a coffee with my dealer today. My button dealer. She's an old school friend and she runs this amazing online business. These days, whenever we catch up, she passes a little ziplock baggie across the table filled with some sort of sample for me. My button and ribbon jars are getting very full as a result.

A parcel arrived in the mail recently from another old school friend. This one's a very talented photographer based in Brisbane. She has patiently watched me wrangle my lovely DSLR and offered advice and tips along the way. Now, thanks to this lovely gift, I'm a hundred miles away from where I was a few days ago, if not in results, at least in comprehension. And I've been using the manual exposure switch! And now I know why that little line jumps left and right! And where it should be! It's exciting stuff.

Thanks, lovely pair of old school friends.


  1. Greer, those buttons look very addictive. Love the photos.
    Mrs Bird x

  2. cor I wish I had such a dealer, I'm drooling!

  3. oh my gosh where can someone like me find those buttons?? i LOVE them all!
    and well done on your photos! they look lovely!

  4. oh okay, the link showed me. oh dear i want them all, and those ribbons too. sigh. i'm thinking it will be quite expensive to order from australia though.

  5. Popping over here from your link in your current yarn along post. Lovely lovely buttons! I had to giggle at your comment about the line switching from left & right. Funny, how a little thing like that can open up such a wide world. I confess I didn't understand that either until a friend showed me on my own camera (she took all of 3 minutes to show me!!!)and now I use it all the time. Duh! I wish those camera manuals explained better...that is, if I would actually read my camera manual.

  6. I would love to have a dealer...buttons, yarn, coffee... But, I don't so I'll just admire what yours has given you! As for the camera settings, your pictures look lovely, so that friend did some wonderful explaining. I also discovered the "manual" button on my camera, so have been playing around with that, but I think I need someone besides me as a resource!


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