
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Happy Haul

A quick dash into my favourite oppy this morning resulted in this happy little haul of vintage patterns - all in size 1 or 2, and only one with missing pieces, which are conveniently for the boy's pyjamas, so that's not going to be a problem in this girl-heavy house.

I'm always amused by how much I think I might achieve when I get an hour or two with  my sewing machine. Thursday afternoons are often a good bet - Lola is at preschool, the little pair are asleep. Today I was envisioning two new pairs of pants for overdue presents, and a much-anticipated nightie in (bloody) Disney princess fabric for the young miss - a firm lesson in not taking said young miss to Spotlight.

Anyway, with two precious hours on my hands, a stack of new-old patterns for inspiration, some lovely new fabrics that arrived in the mail a few weeks ago and a pile of planned projects to choose from, I was obviously going to be very productive...

Yes, three buttonholes and three buttons. Sum total. Two hours. (All that lovely tidy yellow binding was completed weeks ago so I can't count that...)

At least this little top has been taken off the "almost finished but not quite" pile now.

Joining in with Our Creative Spaces again this week.


  1. I feel your pain. Every bit of it. And the word verification says "fangk" (which I think weirdly appropriate).

  2. Oh I know that feeling, still it's one step closer!

  3. Oh, I really like the colors in the little top and the buttons. I, too, am always amused at how fast I think I will be able to make something.


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