
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Meet the Family

I have two sisters, one older, one younger. At last count there are nine kids between us, aged from 1 to 11. We just spent 24 hours together back in our home town in the country and miraculously got the nine to sit still long enough for multiple photo ops. Even the pet chook was smiling. Love you, girls x


  1. I have one sister who I just love to pieces. Your family is beautiful, thanks for sharing!

  2. Looks like a wonderful time was had - 9 children all sitting still - a miracle! x

  3. Love the photos Greer - the one of Henry with the chook is just adorable! So great to see you and the girls. Don't worry about my exercise addiction - I missed yesterday! Chat soon! Love Fazz

  4. Such a sweet looking family. You'll love looking back on these photos once the kids are bigger. We had photos of all the grandkids taken at an outdoor sculpture museum (my youngest who is now 11 was under a year then). We love looking back on these photos. Glad you had time with your sisters.


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