
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Knitting and Reading

Hang onto your handknitted hats - I finished the book! It took weeks, it was more of a struggle than it should have been, and ironically, in the end, I was quite charmed by it and found myself wanting to start over and give it a second chance. I think it might just be one of those books best served by a consistent, steady read, rather than the stop-start, page-here-page-there treatment I seem to be able to give.

And wouldn't you know, the book that was waiting in the wings, that I was so looking forward to, lasted but a couple of days and is already complete. Luckily A Knitter's Home Companion by Michelle Edwards is jam-packed with fabulous patterns and recipes, as well as the lovely essays, so I'll no doubt be dipping back in again and again.

With that finished, I'm turning my attention to the Father's Day pile, starting with Patti Smith's memoir Just Kids.

And knitting? Still going on my nephew Oscar's first birthday Milo. I adjusted the XO cable band to be just an O. O for Oscar. I'm so close to finished...but look what arrived in the post today.

..a sweet bundle of peachy-pink Baby Cashmerino, one of my favourite yarns ever. It's destined for a little short-sleeve summer cardigan for my Pearl, and I've had to restrain  myself from instantaneously casting on. Only a few more rows, only a few more rows... I ordered it from a new online shop that I recently discovered - Suzy Hausfrau. The prices are fantastic, there is free postage in Australia AND...I ordered this yesterday afternoon and it was waiting on my doorstep when I arrived home from this morning's outing. This could be very dangerous for my knitting budget!

Joining in with the Yarn Along today.


  1. Love your description of the Knitter's companion book, and I 100% agree with you on cashmerino, it's my all time favourite to knit with. So easy to work and shows a texture up a treat!

  2. The knitter's companion book sounds lovely, I might have to get a copy of that. Love the colour of your new yarn, I'm not surprised you had to restrain yourself ;)

  3. Milo is one of my favorite patterns right now. I like that you changed the cabling to all O's. Very cute!

  4. The new yarn is lovely!! Thanks for the book recommendation, I haven't read it yet!

  5. Oh I know how showing restraint goes. Hope you can get that project finished first. Thanks again for the Knitter's book - can't wait to get my hands on a copy of it.

  6. I have to be on the lookout for that book at my library. Thanks for the suggestion.

  7. greer your knitting looks so beautiful, i love the color of the vest your making. and so exciting about the new arrival (yarn), i have had that happen too recently and am practicing restraint.

    i have that book in my shopping cart and now i'm moving it up to buy, i'm glad you reviewed it.

    and please email me your address, since you have won one of the pouchs (the giveaway).

  8. I love finding knitting suppliers that make you happy. I love the cashmerino too. It'll look very sweet.


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