
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Cook's Life

We're on a first-name basis with Stephanie in this house. Bunch of leeks at the bottom of the crisper needing to be used? Ask Stephanie. Too many zucchinis? Stephanie will know what to do with them. Not sure how to use those obscure greens from the farmer's markets? Yoo-hoo, Stephanie! Her 'Cooks Companion' has pride of place on my cookbook shelf and she's a regular at our table, at least in spirit (and in my fantasies). So when I read recently that her memoirs were being published, I didn't waste any time adding it to my Mother's Day wish list. I'm still in her childhood at the moment, but so looking forward to getting to the Stephanie's Restaurant years.

And an impromptu cast-on this week, a little cardigan for a little girl who is coming to visit this weekend and recently enjoyed her first birthday. Yes, there's a deadline, so I'm not going to dilly-dally here. I have two more repeats of the lace pattern before I can cast off and launch myself into the sleeves. The yarn is some Jo Sharp DK wool purchased many moons ago on eBay. Ravelry notes here.

Oh, and a quick reminder - my Very Bloggy Morning Tea starts here on Monday and runs all week. Come join the fun. It's all for a good cause.

Joining in for the Yarn Along today, as usual, with Ginny at Small Things.


  1. Greer, what a beautiful post! I love your book and your special knitting project!
    I would love to join you on Monday.
    Have a happy yarn along day!

  2. Deadline knitting - the sweater is adorable. What a great present to give. Good luck with it and enjoy your visitors.

  3. Why don't I know Stephanie??? Thanks for introducing me to her!

    1. True Australian icon, Steph. Not sure how well she's known OS.

  4. I love the pattern. I wanted to make one for my little one when she was a baby but she grew too fast & I knit too many other things. Here's hoping for a second one soon and then maybe that one will get one ;-)

  5. I've got to get to know Stephanie ... where has she been all my cooking life? I adore the baby knit you're working on -- excellent color choice, too!

  6. I love when a cookbook becomes a favorite. I haven't heard of her before. Sounds like she's more widely known in Australia?

    The little cardigan is such a pretty blue. You've gotten quite far along for an impromptu knit.

  7. what a pretty sweater and i do love that greyish blue color.

    i've never heard of stephanie but am intrigued...must investigate!

  8. The book....sounds wonderful!!

    Cardigan is beautiful!!


  9. What a sweet little sweater! I love the lace.
    Thanks for the book rec - I will have to look for it!

  10. I love cookbooks and have never heard of this one. Thanks for the introduction. What a beautiful knit. I love the color and the pattern; how sweet you are to knit something up for her!

  11. I have no idea who Stephanie is but I'm intrigued... Love the cardi! x

  12. I love the sweater pattern! Maybe some day...good luck with your deadline :)

  13. I love the stitch of that cardi and the subtle tone of the pretty.
    I must admit I have never picked up any of Stephanie's books, I didn't even know she existed until just recently...must see if the library has any :)

  14. What beautiful, beautiful lace! I love that color, too!

  15. Love the colors, so sweet! I'm sure she will look just darling in it.

  16. Deadline knitting is the best (in my opinion!). I love that sweet little sweater, it is too cute. I'll have to look up your favourite chef, I've not heard of her!


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