
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Short and Sharp

Thank you for your kind and wise comments on yesterday's post. I'm taking heed, being open to the signs (thanks, Evelyn) and definitely keeping up the chocolate levels, Annie - you need never fear that. While the much-needed early night went missing in action, there was some sunshine today, and a phone call from a new friend inviting us out for a morning at the community garden. What a muddy romp we had. As good as a bracing walk, and far more fun.

I put the dimples aside a few days ago when minus-zero morning temperatures hit and I realised my big girl had nothing but short-sleeved pretty cardigans and cotton hoodies in her wardrobe. She's been patiently waiting for a new mama-knit for a while, so I quickly cast on something I hope will be short and sharp. It's the Raggedy Raglan and I'm using a bulky Spotlight yarn I've had in the stash for a while - cheap and cheerful, so I've no fear about exposing it to the preschool treatment. I'll hopefully be back on dimple duty next week and have something to show for my efforts.

There's a new book on the bedside table this week. Already I'm looking forward to what comes next. And that's always a good sign, isn't it?

Joining in with the Yarn Along.


  1. Cold mornings indeed! Although we have cold days, our mornings are not as cold as off the mountain, thank goodness! The Raggedy Raglan looks like a very cute knit. I'm sure your daughter will love it. Jacinta

  2. could you send a bit of that cold my way??? (I just left beautiful 70 degree mountain temps and returned home to 90s and humidity--no handknit for me!!!) We just started "reading" (listening on audiotape on car trips) the Alexander McCall Smith books---where have I been! Love them. Must queue that one, too!

  3. I would love some cold mornings! I have to wait though. Lovely tweedy blue yarn :)

  4. You just can't beat a bit of AMS to cheer life up a bit. He's so gentle and thoughtful and still funny at the same time. I confess, I slightly prefer the Scotland Street series to the Isabel Dalhousie ones - but I've still read them all!

  5. I loved The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency, and I was looking for another Alexander McCall Smith book to read.
    I'll add that to the list!
    cozy sweater!

  6. I love the color of that! Basically solid, but with just enough variegation to make it interesting.

  7. Definitely need a mama made sweater with dipping temperatures!

  8. It is always a good thing to have an enjoyable read to look forward to :)
    As for the knitting, yes, Mama knits are in high demand in winter :D Thank goodness it is summer and I can have fun LOL

  9. Glad you're keeping up those chocolate levels, Greer! (: The raglan pattern looks very sweet. Look forward to seeing the final project. I love the Ladies Detective Agency books but haven't tried any of his other series--it sounds like this one is good?

  10. your cardi will be so cute! i love everything alexander mccall smith writes, what a gem he is.

  11. I requested this book online from the library after reading your post! It reminded me that I had read 'The lost art of gratitude,' and had made a mental note to find some of his other works and then promptly forgotten!

    Glad things are looking up. Sometimes the beginning of a new book brings a new perspective with it. Conversely, finishing a book I've really enjoyed can put me in a strange head space. Does that happen to you too?

    Further to your comment on my blog post, I know! My parents both read and we were brought up with a love of books (that my brother some how ignored.) My Mum kept my collection of hard cover Enid Blyton books from my childhood and now I have them for my little ones. My sister is currently doing her Phd in Australian poetry, did her Masters in Beat literature and is a avid reader (and book enabler. :) Cohen has many many books and I love buying them for him too, or browsing through the library with him. When people ask what to give him for special occasions we always say a book.

    And yet, so many people I've met lately say they don't read and it makes me wonder if they have forgotten the joy books bring, the way you can experience something you may not be able to in real life, the way you get to know certain characters and walk in their shoes. Seems a shame to miss out on all of that and more.

    I do so love that Morrissey song lyric, "There's more to life than books you know, but not much more." :)

  12. I find sometimes putting a bit of distance between one project to start another is all I need to get re-inspired. That cardi is such a sweet knit and I love the flecks of that yarn.

    Think I'll hunt that author out next time I am at the library :)



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