
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Remembering in Green

Thank you for your comments on this post. They were so very appreciated, and I'm pleased to report a miniscule shift away from terrible and back towards delightful in the toddler stakes. Small steps.

As you can see, I'm currently indulging in another Alexander McCall Smith novel, the second in the Isabel Dalhousie series. How lovely it is to be wandering Edinburgh's streets again. I had a short stint living there in the late '90s and so loved it. I had better read fast, because a small book order has been placed following some recommendations on the toddler crisis, and I'm sure next week's Yarn Along will reveal some much more serious, creased-forehead-type reading.

I recently told a blog friend who reckons she's not much of a knitter and can only manage knit and purl (isn't it all just knit and purl?) that she could knit a hat like the one my girls have been flaunting this winter, and I've promised to write up the pattern. That green knitting in the photo above is me trying to remember it. Hopefully you'll see it here soon.

Yarn Along here.


  1. I had to go look at your parenting post...I have an almost 2 year old boy (and a 4 year old girl) and they are night and day. When my 4 year old was 2, she was prim and proper and would be oh so kind to me, and my boy...well...he is crazy. He hits when he is frustrated and can't express himself, he throws crazy tantrums, and I couldn't tell you what the answer is! I try to look at it as a phase though, and I think once he is able to express himself better it will go away, at least that is my hope! Looking forward to seeing which books you come up with!

  2. Yes, I thought is was all just knit and purl. :)
    I would love to knit your hat pattern and hope you post it soon, it's adorable.

  3. Looking forward to your hat pattern it looks great, helps that it is green too - I love green!

  4. I agree with you that it is all knit and purls. If anyone wants to learn they can. The hat is lovely and the perfect first project :)

  5. Your friend should know that there's a whole lot you can do with knit and purl! Love the look of the hat pattern, fab colour too :)

  6. It is just all knit and purl. Two stitches can make such endless combinations of beauty though. Looking forward to the hat.

  7. I love the color of that hat!
    I recall those toddler (and later) tantrums well.
    I got so tired of the screaming about who got the pink bowl. Urgh.
    My Early Childhood Family Education teacher was invaluable during that time, and one of her suggestions that really helped me was to speak in a sing-song voice when I was feeling particularly annoyed. If I sounded silly, it would diffuse my own attitude and it helped me diffuse their situation.
    Also giving voice to their trouble helped too -
    "You're mad right now. You want that (fill in here) and you can't have it." Which, I realize, looks strange when it's written out, but if my kid felt like I understood the motivation for their tantrum somehow it helped them calm down.
    It'll get better, even though you might feel like tearing out your hair right now.
    Hang in there.

  8. Creased-forehead reading is good, but don't too much at one time! :)

    Looking forward to the pattern, Greer.

  9. problem isn't the knit and purl i think it is follwing a pattern lol! I promise to give it a better be as easy as you say lovely!Perhaps i could have one ready for the twins by next quickly do heads grow anyway, hehe! That colour is splendid BTW!

  10. Green is always a great color to knit with, although neon green I could miss all together. Cant wait for your hat pattern to be posted as it looks great. Yes knitting is always about knit and purl isnt it, although it make take longer sometimes than others. Hope your toddler tantrums become a distant memory soon. I always try to relish my daughter being in a good mood because in about 2.5 years she will be a teenager and I am sure I will have to deal with the hormonal moods then.

  11. Love the green! got stuck on Alexander McCall Smith's African books---need to branch out to the others!!! Thanks for the reminder!

  12. The hat looks great. Would love to give it a try.

  13. Those hats are adorable on your girlies!

  14. Love the hat! (And the ones in the post you linked.)

    I have a pattern for one just like that for my littles, for this winter. I hope. They were supposed to be done up for last winter but I never got around to them… xo

  15. i've made a similar gnome pointy hat. so much fun to knit. and i love that green!

  16. I love the color of your wool. I think green is my favorite color.

    Now I will read the book review.

    Warm greetings from Chile

  17. I like the looks of that hat--can't wait to see the finished pattern!

  18. Glad the toddlers are giving you an easier ride. Bless 'em. Angus has been "trying" all week. I do like that shade of green on the hat.

  19. Loving that green.

    This month we are reading 'The Kite Runner' for book club. I read it before having children and it was a wonderful read. But having just read 'The book thief' and then starting on 'The Kite Runner,' I decided against re-reading it. I need something a little more soothing and a little less serious, so I have picked up 'The Sunday Philosophy Club' instead. :)

  20. can't wait to have a go at your pattern, the green looks loverly!


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