
Monday, October 1, 2012


If, every day after a tasty lunch, someone tucked me up with my favourite snuggly things, and perhaps a book or two, then kissed me on the forehead and said, "Sleep well, now," before leaving me to doze and dream while they tidied up the mess I'd made earlier, got started on dinner, and generally handled things in my absence, you know what? I wouldn't resist.

I would not resist.


  1. Oh wouldn't that be nice ahhh. I have often wondered that exact same thing myself, I don't know what the answer is sadly. My Miss 13 had a day time sleep till she was 4, little did I know how lucky I was when Miss 8 turned 2 sadly the day time sleeps disappeared:(

  2. Oh neither would I!! Holding on to the day sleeps for as long as I can. x

  3. And I wouldn't either! What a blissful thought... :-)

  4. haha neither would I!! just the thought makes me want to go and get into bed now.. when those first signs started to show that day sleeps were disappearing I actually looked forward them ending! everyone called me crazy, but I was happy when they could make it through the day and then collapse at night, easily and happily. I hope the transition is a quick one for you both x

  5. Oh I think the same thing! I am a preschool teacher so we offer rest and relaxation as part of our daily program... There are children who detest this time and fight it with all their might and I think to myself... "WHY?! You children are mad! I'd give anything to have down time!" There will come a day though when they wish they could be resting at preschool again!

    I think we'd be happier mummies if we were scheduled daily siestas!

    Sophie xo

  6. I try to do this as much as possible! :)

  7. Ha! I sometimes dream of just taking to my bed, like a Victorian lady, and leaving them all to it (hubby included) just to see how they'd cope. But you know, you'd only have to get up after your rest and sort everything out again, so that would negate any of the benefits of the nap! x

  8. Love this post - made me smile and nod my head knowingly.

  9. going through much the same at our house. keep persisting! i think my two year old heard me about talking daytime naps with a friend and decided that she didn't need one all of a sudden. i think she thought that other children don't have them so she shouldn't either. we have talked about it a bit since and now we occasionally still get one in.

  10. I've often wondered the same thing too! xx

  11. I was thinking exactly the same think last week....and yet this week we are back to naps and life is wonderful hehe. Good luck Mum...i feel your pain, i never understand why they wouldn't want to stay there all afternoon! Yelling and screaming to each other through the wall to play does not tend to help my efforts!


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