
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Summery Skirts

This time next week we will be in the air en route to Singapore for two weeks holiday, with a trip to Thailand in the middle. It feels like we've only just stopped wearing stockings and boots and jumpers and coats and handknit bonnets every day of the week. Now we have to turn around and prepare for heat and humidity, and our wardrobes are somewhat inadequate

First on the list - skirts, times three.

For the little ones, I loosely followed the Lazy Days Skirt pattern, but used a fabric strip in lieu of ribbon around the bottom. All of the fabrics were remnants found at the oppy. And for Lola's, I copied a tiered skirt she likes to wear, and used a pretty floral sheet from the stash.

(I've been enjoying all of the KCWC - Kids Clothing Week Challenge - posts around the place this past week. I'm officially calling this the KGTARHPCC - Kids Go To A Really Hot Place Clothing Challenge. Next up, shorts...)


  1. Oh they are definately dressed for the weather.....beautiful. Enjoy your holiday x

  2. I'm quite sure you are trying to kill me with cuteness!

    And jealousy. I loved Singapore. Especially the zoo and the food. :)

  3. Gorgeous photos...and gorgeous skirts.
    I love them all but especially that one with the green trim...I wish a grown up version of that one would find its way into my closet!

  4. You are so clever. Gorgeous photos. I love the red polka dot skirt with the blue flowery trim. Have a wonderful holiday xo

  5. You do have the most adorable girls there Greer. You will be styling up Singapore for sure. Happy travels. x

  6. Oh have FUN IN SINGALING! I'm so envious, I miss it so much. It's probably/possibly going to rain at this time of year, a LOT. So make sure your girls have plastic flip flops and plastic ponchos (I def found these the easiest with my tiddler). Make sure you find a roti prata stall at some point. And Xiao long bao at dynasty on 4th floor ion mall is always a crowd pleaser! I highly recommend kiting on the marina barrage for unrivaled view of the city (kite shop is there). And will you catch divali/deepavali? If so, make sure you go to little India to see the lights and eat at madras new woodlands on upper Dickson... My fave restaurant on the planet. :-)

  7. Such beautiful creatures Greer! Love the skirts. You are way too clever. Wishing you a fabulous holiday. All that ...relaxation... time! xxb

  8. Love, love, love!

    Your girls are too precious and I love your skirts! I'm trying my hand at sewing for my daughter too! The fabrics you've chosen are just gorgeous!

    Have a brilliant time overseas... I think we're all jealous just a tad :)

    Sophie xo

  9. Those topless little girls in their sweet skirts just melted my heart. Thanks for posting.

  10. Love the way you've photographed them with their gorgeous bare tummies, so cute! The skirts are simple and floaty and the green one is by far and away my favourite. x

  11. Precious photo's of all your the shirt free look with a stylish skirt. My little miss cheeky also has taken a liking to that look since the weather has warmed up. Have a fabulous trip o/s. I love Signapore, such a clean safe city. Enjoy:)

  12. These skirts are so sweet. It probably would have taken me three months to achieve three skirts. I bet you whipped them up overnight you clever lady. I hope you and your family have a blissful holiday. You deserve it! xx PS. make sure you have lots of good thai massages...they're the best :)

  13. i love your choice of fabric. happy holidaying!


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