
Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Of all the crappy things that can happen to a 2.5-year-old, landing baby twin sisters would have to be up there. OK, there's illness and poverty and neglect, that would be worse. But from a toddler's point of view, to go from being the centre of the universe to having not one but two interlopers, that must be pretty rotten. Three years ago, this kid was number one, everything and all. And as much as her mother tried to ensure the two tiny additions would not impact her world too much, they did - a great deal. They were noisy and smelly and fussy, they took up lots of space, and they absorbed all the time that used to be hers.

They also hogged the limelight. People arrived at the house, looking over her shoulder to see the pair. Strangers gazed past her into the pram to gawk. We were stopped often and asked questions, always about the twins, rarely about her. But she didn't get cross and she didn't complain. She forced herself into view to tell people about the babies, her babies. She loved them and she was proud.

Nearly three years on, that not so tiny pair still get in the way, they're still very noisy and often quite smelly, and they've learnt to take her toys, tear the pages of her books, pull her hair and be a general nuisance. But still she loves them. Still she talks about them to strangers.

She was sad to know that she wouldn't be at preschool when her sisters start there next month. She wanted to be able to show them the ropes. As she heads out the door this week to start her first day of school, it'll be the first of many huge life steps she'll take, leading the way, and always glancing back over her shoulder to make sure they are following.

We snuck up to Sydney for a couple of days last week, my Lola and I. She called it our 'love weekend'. I walked the city behind her, letting her dictate where, what and when. I'm so grateful for those couple of days, just the two of us.


  1. What a beautiful post! And with a lovely mama like you to show her the way and teach her to love as she does, she will for sure go on to great things.

  2. Aww Greer this is such a beautiful post. I'm so glad that you were able to have this time together just the two of you, sounds like it was lots of fun and so very special. Have a wonderful first day of school Lola, take care Mum:) xx

  3. Lovely Post Greer. Twins do get so much more attention and mostly strangers were oblivious to my two other singletons standing next to the twin pram and we'd later share an eye-roll at how funny people are when they saw Twins - don't think they bought it but I tried. I like to spend one on one time with the older two as well. Your Lola sounds like such a gorgeous big sister and how lovely to spend a nice weekend away together, just you and her. Mel x

  4. What a lovely post...and lovely photographs to go with it.
    Such a beautiful idea to spend the weekend with just her...I am sure she will remember that for ever.

  5. oh Greer. This is one of your best. Good luck this week! Belinda x

  6. what a precious weekend to have together
    I know my older two suffered in some ways from their little brother arriving but their lives would be so much the poorer without him in it!
    best of luck this week

  7. Oh man, I'm crying all over again.
    What a crazy week eh.
    Wishing you and your gorgeous big girl such a wonderful learning adventure. xx

  8. What a beautiful idea. I was 2 when my twin sisters were born and so much of this rang true for me. When I was 4, my mum took me on a special weekend to Sudney and I still remember it; Taronga Zoo, the Manly Ferry and Luna Park. I got 'lost' in an elevator too, come to think of it! And now, as a mum to twins myself, I like to think I'd have done something similar if they weren't my first (and only) babies. X

  9. A love weekend... I love that. Have them more often with your dear Lola :) As much as she's had to put up with those noisy, smelly twins I'm sure she's inherited wonderful playmates and life long friends... Better than that... Sisters.

    All the best to dear Lola on her first day at big school and to you mummy dearest remember to breathe...

    Sophie xo

  10. Your love weekend.
    That's too perfect.
    Best wishes to your big girl on her first week of school!

  11. how lovely! gosh big sis of twins, quite something! Heather x

  12. Oh Greer, I feel a bit teary after reading that. I can see how having twins must dominate family life so often. Lola sounds a bit like my Bella and i think they are quite similar in age. Massive GOOD LUCK to your special girl for her first day.

    Gillian xx

  13. Those very special one-on-one times with children are what they will remember for a very long time. It's been difficult in our current situation and with school holidays to have those times with my own 6 year old - it will be almost impossible to have them when school goes back next week! Instead, we are taking them camping this weekend - lots of opportunities for intense parental focus! xx

  14. What a lovely post. It's so hard to find the time to spend with each child on their own, it's a special weekend neither of you will forget. My twins (my first children) don't really know what it's like to be on their own, you've given me a nudge to find more opportunities. Happy school days Lola

  15. Oh that is so so sweet and you kinda broke my heart all in the same thing. Yes these little ones dont know what they get signed up for but your thoughts and efforts clearly are creating one rocking little family. Such a beautiful post and lovely blog xxx

  16. I have tears in my eyes Greer. I love one-on-one time. I wish there was more of it. x

  17. sniff. i want a love weekend with my baby girl. off for a quick sob while she's at school.

  18. She sounds like just a wonderful big sister. And what a beautiful way to spend time together, so lovely x

  19. oh greer, this is a really beautiful post - lump in throat! what a beautiful big sister she is, and what a beautiful idea for your little getaway. I was hoping for a girls only day before Ruby starts school on Tuesday but the husband's bloody work got in the way gggrrrrrrrrrr!! we will have our girls day, it will just be a little later than planned x

  20. Beautiful post. I love this series of photos x

  21. This post really speaks to me. My just three year old is having to face her world has changed with the arrival other baby sister in November. I hope Lola's next change is as big a successes becoming a big sister was!


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