
Monday, January 21, 2013


In amidst school holidays and heat waves and trips to Sydney and visitors and long days at home, I've been knitting. Always knitting.

I've restocked the shop with some of the sold-out items, and added a few new colours and sizes. There's much more to come.

Stay tuned for a nice little giveaway in the next couple of weeks to celebrate my birthday. And launching soon - a teeny-tiny range for teeny-tiny newborns. I just need to get my hands on one to play model. Awww! 

I'd love you to join me on Facebook too!


  1. I'm going to have to head over to your shop I think. Trying to think of a sweet little head that would be perfect for your gorgeous bonnets. Your models are adorable. x

  2. Greer you're going to think I'm stalking you lovely! Number two is mine! Literally... nI've been waiting on it!

    Sophie xo

  3. Gasp! These are amazing! You're so clever x

  4. Greer, these are so lovely, they really are. The textures and colours are perfect. The models are pretty cute too.

    Gillian x

  5. They're adorable Greer! And thanks for sharing the link to your button dealer, I always struggle to find nice buttons down here :-) Mel x

  6. Gorgeous models and the hats aren't bad either hehe!! Lovely work you do Greer and i am so impressed that you have been knitting in this heatwave!!


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