
Saturday, February 9, 2013


 "A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013" via Che and Fidel.

Lola: An exhausting end to her first full week of school. She's been 60% excited and enthusiastic, 38% cool, calm and collected. This picture describes the other 2%.
Pearl: She seems so much older this week. Our conversations are hysterical.
Stella: (Almost) always giggling.


  1. Oh little Lola! My sisters daughter threw an impressive tantrum whilst out shopping... Routine of school is long and tiring :) Sometimes I wish it was acceptable for me to cry publicly like that and demand a pair of shoes!

    Sophie xo

  2. Oh no poor Lola, it's hard going to big school. I hope the weekend sees her feeling happy and full of energy again. Love those giggly faces:) x

  3. They are all gorgeous pictures but I especially love the first for it's honesty.

  4. Aww, Lola. My Ruby has been the same this week. Happy it's only 2% like this. My second and I have also been sharing many an entertaining story this week. It really is like he's grown this week since I have that tiny bit more time just with him.
    Happy weekend to you x

  5. Poor Lola - let's hope she has a better time next week. My Harry had a major meltdown too, so I let him stay home on Friday. xx

  6. Oh I can just feel all those emotions with Lola. x

  7. Oh poor Lola! Such a big week!

    Your girls are divine. xo

  8. Poor little chicken, even though they are our big girls, they are still so little. Give Lola an extra hug from us xxx

  9. I love that first does seem so difficult when you are young!
    And I really like how all the photos this week are taken from sort of the same perspective and with the same really makes the differences between the girls stand out.

  10. ah, Lola---I've been there. I hear ya!!!!

  11. Great job, especially on the first one. It is so hard to take a photo like that, when they are obviously in distress. I take photos of my boys like this too, so they can see all of their emotions when they are older.

    Visiting from 52.

  12. Oh you described that first week of school so well! Perfect actually!! Mine is exactly the same! Poor Lola, Im sure it will get easier.. they are so adaptable! Stella and Pearl are just so gorgeous and happy!

  13. School can be so hard and exhausting! My oldest is just starting kindy this year and I'm finding it hard, let alone him.. as for school in a year... I'm in denial! Luckily the meltdowns don't last long!

  14. And isn't that 2% intense! Phwoar. I am absolutely exhausted too! Love these captures Greer...pearl and stella are so cheeky! x

  15. Woah way to pack a punch photographically!

  16. Oh the expressions! This is amazing, Greer! x

  17. That first shot is absolutely amazing. I have seen this face many times in my five-year-old boy Milo. Such anguish. It is hard to be five! Your girls are lovely. I have three boys-- I often wonder what three girls is like!

  18. I can't help but smile* at the first image - the way which you have captured dear Lola's emotions is stunning. I often feel (& look) this way after a full week too! Pearl & Stella are such gems!
    *I swear I'm not a monster,!

    Wishing you a lovely week, Greer.

    Sar xx

  19. Yep the first few weeks of school are like this. You have captured that moment of intensity so beautifully. mel x

  20. oh my! that first picture. what a captured moment!

  21. I like the raw honesty of the first picture. So good to capture everything.

  22. Oh, the little love xx Gorgeous photos Greer. Beautiful. I love seeing other twins :) And I'm so interested to read about Lola too. I'm an elder sister of twin sisters (we are only 18 months apart), and it can sometimes be a rough ride being the third wheel. Jen x


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