
Saturday, March 9, 2013



"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013" via Che and Fidel.

Lola: This school caper is growing my girl like a weed. When did she get so grown-up?
Pearl: I've always said she's so like her sister was at this age. These photos really show the similarity.
Stella: She's had a tough week - wailing through swimming lessons on Monday, screaming through preschool drop-off on Tuesday, moaning through post-preschool exhaustion on Thursday.

I'm enjoying trying to take this portrait project a little further into something of a photography project for me. Rather than just picking one of the several photos I've taken during the week, I'm deliberately setting up a little photo session for the purpose of the post and aiming for some flow between the three shots. If it appears contrived, I guess it's because it is!

Previous 52 portraits here.


  1. I really like your photos this week, especially the one of Stella - she looks like it has been a tough week. Thinking I might have to start something similar and take regular portraits of my girl. Really wanted to do a photography course this year but couldn't find one that matched either my time or finances!

  2. Contrived or not, these are gorgeous. And you're right, the top two look like the same child, just taken a few years apart.

  3. Oh beautiful! Little water babies

  4. They all look so similar! Nothing wrong with contrived :)

  5. They are all remarkably alike...and beautiful. Your photos this week have such an ethereal quality!

  6. Lola and Pearl really do look so similar. The shot of Stella seems to sum up her week perfectly - here's hoping she has a happier weekend.

  7. Gorgeous water babies!
    And I love that it is basically the same photo of the three can really see their similarities and differences.

  8. Beautiful. So very beautiful. I cant spot looking at them.

    Sar xx

  9. These shots are so pretty. I think it works wonderfully to plan out things a little. It really showcases the girls individualities (sometimes similarities!) with the similar backdrop. I say forge on!

  10. they are really beautiful and i love what you said about pushing yourself rather than just picking pictures! xxxxxx

  11. wow, just beautiful.. and they all look so much alike!

  12. These are such moody, beautiful shots. Such an original and charming way to see them. x

  13. I like how you've chosen to put them in the same scene for your photos, it's a great idea I often struggle to capture my girls incidentally. Lola and Pearl are so similar, beautiful photos. x

  14. I like the balance and flow between the images. I think most photo are a little contrived. Most of the time, by just reaching for the camera alters the moment.

  15. When I first looked I thought it was 3 pictures of one child and then realised 3 different children. Ethereal is the word that comes to mind - great shots.

  16. oh, so so very adore. I LOVE that you are working on photography and making it a project for yourself. I think it makes it even more meaningful. so glad you stopped by "my place" so I could find another place to love. xo

  17. I like it! These are neat shots and how fun to look back on all the different ways to do a portrait.

  18. this is magic. nicely captured.

    new follower --

  19. i love it! the photos, the progression and the flow of them. Beautiful.

  20. I love the way the girls are looking at the camera in the top photo - and little Stella has purpose in her gaze in the bottom one. Beautiful, beautiful shots. My favourite for the week x
    (ps. thank you for the divine little winter hat...receiving that in the mail made my day - love it!)

  21. Woah, what beautiful photographs. And what beautiful girls! I found you via oscarlucinda through the 52 project, I'm glad I did!
    holly blues x

  22. hello! just wanted to let you know that i mentioned these photos this week on my blog. very lovely! i love the theme of water and i love the soft dreamy look.



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