
Monday, March 18, 2013

Brown Rice

I know, I know, the brown/wholemeal/unprocessed version of everything is infinitely better. I know. That doesn't always mean I like it better. My weakness for squishy soft white bread has been documented. And I've never been able to get into wholegrain pasta or wholemeal pancakes. But rice, well, brown rice I love. And I love it not as the healthy alternative to white rice but entirely in its own right. Nutty, chewy, delicious brown rice.

Once upon a time I enjoyed my brown rice plain with steamed broccoli and maybe some sauteed mushrooms - not every night, mind you, but when I was feeling virtuous or in need of something easy and fresh. This past summer I've been enjoying this brown rice salad at least once a week. Warm or at room temperature, it always hits the spot. The cooked rice is tossed in an easy dressing of yoghurt and olive oil, and then shredded baby spinach and mint leaves are stirred through with some finely sliced Spanish onion that's been calming down in a little vinegar. And while you could happily omit it (and I often do), it's delicious with some shredded cooked chicken. The whole thing is served with a big handful of chopped toasted almonds for extra crunch.

You can find the full recipe here.


  1. Yummy! I'm the same... no matter how hard I try I can't seem to get used to wholemeal pasta. I love bread with A LOT of seeds and brown rice is up my alley too. Your dish looks divine Greer :)

    Sophie xo

  2. That looks absolutely delicious! (If slightly odd to contemplate when I'm about to have my breakfast porridge!)

  3. Mouth watering! That looks so good. I am terrible when it comes to white bread, especially if it is fresh and still warm from the oven. I could probaby sit there and eat the whole loaf! x

  4. I love brown rice too...I make a brown rice salad that is similar with pepitas and dried cranberries...and I love it in burritos with some black beans, cheese and salsa!

  5. Greer, I don't eat brown rice. I just don't. So would you mind telling me why I have just put brown rice on my shopping list? xx

  6. Yum. Know what I'm cooking for dinner tomorrow night, thanks for the recipe.

  7. That looks seriously good, healthy and tasty and easy too.

    I was raised on brown everything and still cannot honestly say I particularly like wholemeal pasta. Wholemeal bread and pancakes, yes, I can do those but there will always be a special place in my heart for plastic sliced white bread, toasted, and covered in butter and marmite. With a cup of tea. Oh yes.

    Gillian x

  8. I *love* brown rice with it's nuttiness, but always struggle with recipes. This on the other hand looks utterly fabulous and I'm definitely going to give it a try.

    Nina x

  9. I'm not a brown rice fan yet but I have to admit, this looks delicious.

  10. This looks amazing!!! I love short grained brown rice but I feel as though the long grained stuff doesn't get moist enough.

  11. Oh I think this recipe is definitely a keeper, I am drooling just reading this post!

  12. Rice salad is a good one to fall back on and this looks especially good. The nuts are a clever addition. Love a squeeze of lemon too.


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