
Monday, April 8, 2013

Maple Bacon Pumpkin Oh!

Can you call it a salad if it's got a great big slab of bacon in the middle? I say yes, especially as the weather cools and sliced cucumber just won't cut it anymore. I hear the maple syrup/bacon combo is big in North America. After putting this hearty little dish together, I can see why.

I used to make a yummy salad of diced pumpkin, spinach, red onion and pine nuts. This is like the no-nonsense version of that one. The pumpkin is roasted in wedges with the skin on. Onion is roasted too, all rustic-like with the nubby ends still attached. There's maple syrup in the dressing and on the grilled, glazed bacon. And crunchy pumpkin seeds finish it all off wonderfully.

The perfect autumn salad for the week after the clocks go back.

My recipe can be found here.


  1. I love bacon and maple syrup on my pancakes and french toast! Totally get it. Add in banana too and it is heaven. xo

  2. DAMN that looks good. Kellie xx
    (Am unsure about the addition of banana, though??)

  3. I live in a home filled with males who would eat bacon three times a day if I let them.
    Your salad looks amazing!

  4. Uuuugh, this looks so good! My mouth is watering.

  5. It looks amazing! I say yes, this is a salad, and it's my kind of salad! x

  6. That looks delicious ... I think I have some bacon in the freezer.

    ps I made your brown rice, which was really delicious, thank you.

  7. Just catching up here, and now feeling hungry. That's definitely a salad ... as soon as the docs have sorted my jaw out and I can chew properly again I'll give it a go :)

    Reading your last few posts I find myself looking forward to autumn, my favourite season, which is ridiculous when we're still stuck in winter here!

  8. What?! The combo of bacon and maple syrup are not offered everywhere? Crazy!

  9. That looks absolutely delicious, and I'm so astonished to learn that maple syrup and bacon aren't frequently paired outside the States! It goes so far to be offered in the form of maple cupcakes with brown sugar frosting and a slice of bacon atop.

    I'm a huge fan of uncommon salad mixtures that shake up the regular old lettuce and oil concept and really excite your taste buds. Pumpkin's out of season now since it's spring up here in the north, but I'm bookmarking this for once fall comes back 'round. I'm growing some small pie pumpkins and I can just imagine one of them roasted for this.

    Jo Farmer

  10. yum.

    off to click and pint. thanks Greer!

    I havent popped in for a while.
    Your photos are putting my lack-of-using-the-skills-Tim-taught-us to shame. Go you! X


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