
Saturday, May 4, 2013


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013" via Che and Fidel.

Lola: She's the only kindergartener in the school chess club.
Pearl: The circus has come to town. When we drove past the big top, Pearl gasped and cried, "Lola will NOT beLIEVE it."
Stella: She and Pearl have taken to calling me 'Grandma' during their games. I'm not sure I'm ready.

Previous 52 portraits here.


  1. I love that capture of Lola and Pearl how cute she must sound when she's chatting away, I love the way little ones talk. Gorgeous photos as always Greer. x

  2. I love your photos, every week.. your ability to capture them as part of a theme; that shows their similarities and their differences, is just marvellous. Mine feel random and bumbling! Oh well..!!

  3. Wonderfully sweet. Love these, they are just so perfect in all their cuteness. xo

  4. I really love your "themes" and your little blurbs that go along with the photos...this week I am loving Lola's photo and the fact that she is in the chess club!

  5. oh dear, i was so not ready to be granma at age 41!

  6. Wow, amazing photos as always. And your little captions bring them to life. Lola plays chess, really? I'm 35 and I can't play chess. Lola rocks. x

  7. Lovely can really see their personalities shining through! Grandma? Goodness me...not yet!!

  8. Love these pics, just gorgeous little ones you have.

    1. Hey... Gorgeous pictures!! Love face peaces.

  9. Every week I find myself wondering what you are going to do with your portraits - always fabulous! Mel x PS My Grandma became a Grandma at age 38!!!

  10. These are so sweet :)

    My Sofia is wearing one of your hats in my post for this week. It is such a lovely hat and it keeps her ears so toasty:

  11. The composition in these pictures is beautiful, love all of them!

  12. My eldest daughter Edie always asks where the circus has gone... Even though it has been over a year since the big top was in the field she still looks for it with hope every time we drive past! Ne day it will be there and I am sure I will say to myself, "Edie will NOT beLEIVE it!!"


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