
Thursday, September 5, 2013


When my big sister visited recently, she revealed that she'd given up bread. Well...

I reckon I could give up most things if I had to, but bread? Not bread. It's mostly standard wholegrain sliced in this house. And while I'll always be a sucker for the squishy white stuff (smothered in peanut butter, thank you very much), when I can get my hands on a good loaf of sourdough, things always seem a little more right with the world. Thank goodness I've found a place down this way that rivals my old favourite in Sydney. When I'm in town most weeks, I grab a loaf. And for the next few days I enjoy it toasted with a fried egg on top, or some avocado and lime juice, or freshly sliced tomato and salt.

But my absolute favourite special occasion or anytime way is doused in olive oil, grilled and then rubbed with the cut end of a clove of garlic. Magic happens with that little clove. Transformation.

Suddenly that humble grilled piece of bread becomes the basis for a real meal. Bruschetta, crostini, call it what you will. I've topped it with whatever's left in the fridge, or has come home fresh from the farmer's market. I've smeared it with feta and  added a big spoonful of smashed herby chickpeas. I've covered it with chargrilled vegetables and shards of parmesan. My current favourite is sauted speck and silver beet topped with a gooey poached egg.

I still make my own bread occasionally - not sourdough yet, but soon. I'd make it every day if I could make the time. I'd grind my own wheat if I had to. God knows, I'd grow the wheat if that's what it took. Just don't ask me to give up bread.


  1. I could never give up bread either!

  2. I am with you.
    And give me a big old hunk of sour dough with a little saucer of olive oil, salt, pepper and parmesan and I am a VERY content lady! Add a glass of red wine to that and I am in heaven!

  3. sour dough is the best...wish I was brave enough to try making it myself!

  4. I'm not supposed have gluten but have always chosen to ignore the fact. I could never give up bread and the gluten free choices just don't cut it. As for Sour Dough I could eat a whole loaf all by myself! xo

  5. Agreed. And it's nearly broad bean season, so lightly boiled beans smashed with sesame oil, salt, garlic, mint and parsley brings seasonal wonderment. Mmmmmm.....

  6. I've basically given up bread and stopped adding it to the shopping basket. I was eating far too much, and a sandwich or a couple of pieces of toast became the go-to snack.
    I still enjoy the odd focaccia or roll if eating out though.
    Your photos are looking rather tempting. x

  7. Just love sourdough bread, definately on my favourite list! Lightly grilled with blackcurrant jam, or using it for bruchetta, yum!

  8. That flourwatersalt looks like the absolute biz. I read their philosophy and fell in love. Yep, I love my bread too!! x

  9. I gave up bread. I KNOW I KNOW! I really am crazy and ever so often I will get a burger with bread but definitely not like I used to. This however totally might tempt me to buy some.

  10. Oh no, neither could I! We just spent a fortnight in France and I have a renewed appreciation for the amazing breadmaking culture the French have. Even their everyday bread is so much better than ours. Here, you have to visit an "artisan bakery" and spend £3 for anything as good as that. My sister has also recently given up bread and I look at her in bafflement. It's the best thing ever - what else is that versatile in the kitchen? x

  11. I feel much the same way ... but on docs orders it looks like I'm going to have to give it up ... I'm fighting back though ;)


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