The very recent birthday of the now two-year-old deserves a mention. Little Soss and her ladybird cake, surrounded by friends and family on a weekend full of parties and presents. I was determined to make it a plastic-free birthday, after two years of watching her play space fill with mass-produced toys that make loud noises and break easily. I was successful to a point - buying books and crayons and other art supplies to try and encourage the budding creative within. But wouldn't you know, at an earlier party with her other two-year-old cohorts, we drew presents out of a hat, and she ended up with a big plastic contraption with a zillion little pieces of plastic to accompany it - a cash register with plastic money, a plastic credit card, and a plastic shopping basket full of plastic fruit and groceries. And she LOVES it...which is the only reason I've resisted packing it up in a bag and dropping it in the Vinnie's bin.
I've found a bunch of patterns for knitted fruit and vegies, and when I get around to making them, I'll dispose of the plastic stuff. Wood and wool are the objectives. In amidst this, the natural and handmade are becoming important to me.
Happy Two, my little one xx
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