
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Not Knitting and Barely Reading Either

I'm optimistically joining in the Yarn Along today, despite a profound lack of knitting and only scanty reading around these parts this past fortnight. Not that I haven't been inspired to knit, weather-wise. This summer is a doozy, damp and cold, and here in the Highlands it's damper and colder*. I wore my winter coat to the Christmas fair last Sunday. December!!!

Anyway, at least all this damp and cold is inspiring lots of winter knitting fantasies. I'm putting aside any sweet summer cardigan aspirations and rolling unabashedly towards wool jumpers and hats. If we're to get through the days and evenings in this house without resorting to the heater or fire, we'll be needing those winter woolies before long.

The book of the moment is 'Waterlemon', a memoir by Ruth Ritchie about her husband's near-death accident. The GM picked this up for me at a book fair recently because he knows I enjoy Ruth Ritchie's column in the Saturday paper. I'm reading it now because it was on top of one of the boxes I opened the other night in search of a bedtime story.

And I'm quietly and only-just-a-bit knitting a little gift for a little friend. A familiar pattern, familiar yarn, easy mindless clickety-clicking during this busy time. And no, it won't be finished in time for Christmas.

I'm off to check out what will probably be an array of finished and wrapped Chrissy gift knitting over at Small Things. These women, they put me to shame!

* A local or two have assured me this isn't a normal summer for these parts. Relief.


  1. LOL well reading 'Highlands' I assumed Scotland and was trying to figure out why you'd think it was supposed to be warm LOL
    Then I went back and read your profile... well then it made sense! No reason you can't make something warm- maybe a lightweight shawl? Or some gloves ready for winter?

  2. I am in love with that color! Red is one of my favorite colors. I hope you get settled in soon, and enjoy your Christmas! Stopping in from Ginny's Yarn Along.Also, don't feel bad....I regularly feel put to shame by the other women over there too :)

  3. Yes like Rachel above living in the UK I immediately thought of Scottish Highlands.

    Enjoy your little bit of knitting and have a wonderful Christmas...

  4. Hi!
    Congrats on the big move! Oh, the sense of peace you must have ...amidst all the chaos of settling down somewhere new.
    As for husband is a pretty fierce knitter. I look to the Yarn Along to keep a proper perspective. :-)

  5. What a beautiful red!
    I can imagine that I wouldn't be much in a knitting or reading place if I had just moved either.

  6. What? You mean that I should have all of my knitting done and wrapped by now? Sorry to disappoint. :) Love that sweet little pattern with the gathering at the yoke. And that color red is so deep. Have a very Merry Christmas and hope you keep warmer!

  7. ha ha hee hee, best post title ever. me too.

    merry christmas dear.

  8. Doozy, damp and cold in the Highlands, eh? It's snowy and freezing up here in the Rockies. What a sweet, adorable baby sweater! Love it!

  9. I hope you catch some knitting and reading snippets in the coming days.

  10. Love the red. Cashmerino is definitely a nice yarn to knit and to wear. I made my daughter a small shawl from it this summer per her request.


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