Thursday, August 1, 2013

1. Winter is...

..not quite snow, but good enough when you're three.


  1. You have a frost?! Maybe it's because I don't get out early enough but I don't think we've had a frost yet here. A nice way for them to wake up - all that glorious clean air! x

  2. Brrrr!
    I don't think I could ever live in the cold again...I have been spoiled by the Brisbane sun for too long!

  3. Icing sugar snow, we call it in our house. More like a heavy, crunchy frost realy but I love those mornings as it means it's cold and crisp. I know this makes me weird, but I really love that kind of weather. x

  4. Lovely photos. We love a frosty winters morning, it always means a lovely sunny winters day!

  5. Cohen is the same when we get a fog! No snow or frost here in Brisbane, so he has plans for a trip down South. :)

  6. Omg you photos are amazing! I love your blog! Following you on GFC and Bloglovin I would love it if you followed me back on the same.



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