Saturday, February 16, 2013


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013" via Che and Fidel.

Lola: Unprompted (and with very little enthusiasm on my part), she made Valentine's cards for everyone in her class.
Pearl: Her latest trick - climbing onto the kitchen bench and running along it, giggling.
Stella: I rolled over this morning and found her sitting next to me eating cereal straight out of the box.

If you're a Sunday-only visitor, you might have missed this. As one lovely customer recently said, "You can never have too many hats."

Previous 52 Portraits here.


  1. What a beautiful gesture to make for her classmates, I'm sure everyone appreciated the valentines! They all have the most amazing hair.

  2. They are such lovely girls.
    I love their curls...and how their hair gets curler as you scroll down the page.

  3. lovely!! i had to laugh, i rolled over this morning and found my daughter, naked, eating marshmallows straight out of the bag. Kids ;)

  4. I can't stop looking at these pictures, they're so good! Love Lola's expression too.

  5. all three of your girls just have the most gorgeous hair, i love soft curls x

  6. And those eyes. They say it all. Beautiful as always. :)

  7. I love the way you do your portraits every week! Your daughters are precious! And I enjoy reading your comments for each girl as well. It's a neat way to do this project.

  8. What a lovely blog, just spent half an hour reading back and so enjoyed your images. Your family is lovely and your knits are gorgeous, will look soon again when it cools down...

  9. Three beautiful, cheeky looking girls! Love x

  10. Stella's breakfast efforts made me smile. That's a great thing to wake up to (sorry about the crumbs!). Your girls are all so lovely - those eyes!! x

  11. I was once woken by my younger daughter dropping a large watermelon on to my head ... she was four, wanted some for her breakfast, carried it in to wake me and ask me to cut it, and tripped over my bedroom slippers, launching it into the air. If only we'd been able to film the incident it would probably be a You Tube classic by now!

    If only I knew someone with a small enough head to wear one of your gorgeous hats I'd enter your giveaway. And only as I type that do I realise just how between the generations we are in this family, we have lots of teens and early 20s and no littlies at all.

  12. Beautiful girls. Their hair...! And I think we we're meant to be friends.. our top two girl names (should we ever have a little girl) are Lola and Pearl. xo

  13. I love the curls. Love love love their curls. I know I probably say this every time I pop in here but I am such a sucker for curls. Oh and the name of your eldest I am incredibly impartial to. ;)

  14. Look at their expressions! I love portraits like this, you can see so much just by looking into their eyes... beautifully captured, Greer! x

  15. your children have the most amazing eyes! so full of life.


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