
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Blooming Again

Two babies means that, in the interests of fairness (and let's face it, maximum cuteness), we need at least two of everything. So another pair of bloomers was called for - red spotty ones this time. The girls choose to coordinate their outfits rather than matching outright which I think is a much healthier option. They take every opportunity to prove their individuality anyway, so it just makes sense and I'm happy to go along with it.

Looking at these photos now, I reckon the bloomers would have gone well with these knitted jumpers if the girls hadn't grown so big so quickly! I managed to nut this pair out in a single sitting...of 90 minutes! I hate to think how long a dress will take me. Still, it's a much quicker result than knitting. And I only broke one needle...

1 comment:

  1. Your bloomers are gorgeous Greer! I love the same, same but but different. Gotta love the Lotta! Too sweet. Maximum cuteness indeed. x


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