
Friday, July 15, 2011

these moments

When people ask, "How have you been?" I usually answer, "Busy." But this past couple of weeks we have been really busy. Insanely busy. Silly busy.

It's school holidays and, therefore, preschool holidays. So on top of last week's birthday fun, there have been play dates, park visits, winter indoor swims, movies, other people's birthday parties, house guests, a girls' night out and a date with a garbageman. And much, much more. 

A dear friend is in town from overseas so we've had lots of get-togethers and catch-ups. Then my oldest friend came to stay from Queensland with two of her four kids. That's sweet new Olive down there in the photo. Best house guest ever! So in the space of a week, I finally got to meet two of my new babies - recipients of this and this.

And after communing with so many other kids in such a short space of time, all with Lola's requisite long-drawn-out "cuddle and a kiss" goodbyes, it seems she's been incubating a bit of a chicken pox virus and no doubt spreading the love. Itchy days ahead. And an unexpected extension of the school holidays.

1 comment:

  1. Hello my lovely (and a big Owwwww from Baby Olive). What a gorgeous friend you are. We loved visiting and loved spending time with our favourite 4yr old girl and twins! Thank you so much for the beds (x3) and for putting up with my toing and froing. We love you lots. MWAH!


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