Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I'm not feeling very inspired, I'm sorry. 

It's cold. 

I'm tired.

I've been cooking and knitting and sewing, with not much to show for it.

I want to come to this space and write about it all, but I'm not sure how.

The job I've had for 10 years is changing before my eyes in the hands of a new manager. I'm trying to see it as the push I need to seek out other opportunities. But I've become so comfortable with this steady and stultifying mediocrity.

In so many ways, I'm like my almost-five-year-old, who has yet to learn that not everybody in the world has her best interests at heart. She and I, our first instinct is to assume the good.

What I need is an early night.

A sunny day.

A bracing walk.


  1. I'm fed up too. Grumblingly fed up. Grumble grumble grumble. Things can only get better though... right?

  2. Oh dear, it all sounds bleak. I hope things look up for you a bit. Maybe your changing job will lead to exciting new challenges, there or elsewhere? I think cold, dark, wintery days with small children are incredibly draining. I'm sure I always get more down or anxious during the winter months. Some sun is good for us! xx

  3. Love the header! So sorry that change is in the air. I really dislike change and yet I see it in our future as well. Good luck with your new opportunities!

  4. Urgh. Hate that. Hope the walk and the sleep helped, and hang in there.

  5. Oh dear - sorry to hear that but a good walk always helps me find balance and I get really good thinking done, too. Life is about change so be open to the signs.

  6. i'm feeling you. it all gets a little too much sometimes.

    remember to be kind to yourself. hopr you are feeling back to normal soon :)

    Kel x

  7. Hope the dawn of a new day sees you feeling inspired Greer :)

  8. Wishing you an early night, a sunny day, a bracing walk, and maybe some good chocolate thrown in there? It's hard being in the doldrums, and I can relate to the management woes. Well, if it's any solace, you are an inspiration to me, even in your post about feeling uninspired (: The world needs more people who assume the good.

  9. What you need is a trip to the Sunshine State - right Bri!!!

  10. So hard to see that others may not have your best intentions at heart. Safe can be so nice, so sometimes we need that push to move forward.

  11. You must need a visit from your big Sis!

  12. Must have missed this one Greer. I've had a lot of these days recently. Poorly children, rainy days and late nights make us weary. Glad to read your latest post though. Hope the sun shines for you tomorrow. x

  13. hang in there friend... Sorry I missed this till now. Sending love and light and prayers for peace your way... HUGS!

  14. Hugs to you. Hoping joy surprises you today...I've been needing that too.

  15. I agree with Wolly...sometimes you just need some sunshine, a massage and a maybe a cocktail!


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