Saturday, April 6, 2013


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013" via Che and Fidel.

Lola: She cried fat wet tears this morning recounting her dream in which Stella fell down a deep, deep well.
Pearl: At last, she and Stella are in their big girl beds. And if that wasn't exciting enough, Pearl is nappy-free all night long. Tiny champion!
Stella: When it's her turn in I-Spy, she always has the same go - "I spy with my little eye something beginning with...Mummy." Is it Mummy? "It's Mummy!"

Previous 52 portraits here.


  1. I love all your photos Greer...week after week!

  2. yes i was going to say the same thing, love seeing your photos each week. oh those eyelashes on stella!

  3. How did you guess that one Mummy?! Very sweet :)

    Sophie xo

  4. your photography really has a style all its own! lovely x

  5. Loved reading the words to your portraits this week. We've decided to put big bed off for a little bit. Might wait till his feet actually pass through the bars :-) Stella's eyelashes - beautiful pic Greer. x

  6. Something beginning with Mummy! Ah that is soo cute. And tears from dreams are very sad indeed xxx

  7. That I spy game is adorable! Kellie xx

  8. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. I adore the dialogue for your portraits each week - this week may just trump them all so far. Your girls make my heart melt.

    Sar xx

  9. Oh my. That's so sweet. I love that you've maintained such nice consistency in these three images. I also like the I spy story! Adorable. And, PS, Stella sure is a great name for a little girl, isn't it!

  10. ADORE! so so so sweet. just love these three images. and their faces of delight. so wonderful

  11. So beautiful, these are my favourite so far :)


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