Sunday, July 15, 2012


Pearl pulled her cardboard crown down over her eyes, we spun her around a few times and then she picked a winner out of a hat* - Sascedar! Congrats. I hope there's a place for 'Naturally Fun Parties For Kids' on a shelf in your lovely new home.

*Actually, this photo is entirely unrelated and Pearl had nothing to do with the draw. I used the random number generator... 


  1. I have a pic with one of my girls with a pretty close match to that stunning hat...aren't they fab!!! Congrats to the winner but boo hoo it wasn't me x

  2. Your little Pearl is the cutest. She would be great mates with my Owen, who was to be a Pearl, if he were a girl! Happy news for me...thank you so very much! I found the perfect place for my little cookbook collection just the other day- I feel very lucky indeed. :) sarah


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