Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Knitting/Reading for Five-Year-Olds

What's not in the picture:

- The knitting needles in the top of the unfinished hat.

- The other 14 books in the very-late-to-arrive birthday present.

- The hissy-fit she had while I tried to take the picture.

- The hissy-fit I had while I tried to take the picture.

- The unwell little sister, wailing, off to the right.

- The big pile of hats being made inspired by that texture. Next week, I hope.

Joining in with the Yarn Along.

And now I have to go and work out how this hat ends...


  1. I love this! People often say to me when I'm out with the kids,"you make it look so easy, they're adorable!" if only they knew about the hissy fits that happen on a daily basis in our house!

  2. If all of that was happening during this photo shoot, you are one very talented lady :D Great hat and I do hope your daughter feels better.

  3. Ha ha thanks for the giggle :) Hope calm reigns for you all soon!

  4. But you really ended up with a great picture. I hope things have calmed back down and you are getting in some quiet knitting time.

  5. I love the story behind this, I would never have guessed you know. Love the deep red colour of the beanie and the textured pattern. I hope your little one feels better soon. x

  6. I am always impressed with the calm in a photo especially when I know it is like my house and usually a bit crazy. Hope little sister feels better soon. Great hat!

  7. i am frequently putting hats on my kids' heads with needles still in them :-) Hoping things calm soon for you! My kids have been in rare form recently due to all the heat...

  8. Roald Dahl is still my all time favourite author - LOVE those books for kids. had to giggle at the needles still being in the hat too!

  9. You are very talented! No sign of trouble in the picture. Smile. Beautiful red hat, too!

  10. Hissy fits are part of life, right????? (You'd never know those needles are still in the hat!!! Too funny!)

  11. Ah, yes, if only our pictures talked, or maybe, better they don't! I hope all has calmed down now. I love the colour of the beanie. Jacinta

  12. That cracks me up… I hope your daughter is well again. xo

  13. Yea, that's what it looks like around here too often, outside of the photos :)
    Hope everyone is feeling much better.
    We are working our way through a Roald Dahl story collection on CD (more to my benefit than of the little guy's for now, I think) - great fun!

  14. Oh, Greer! I feel for you while at the same time...I chuckle. Yes, I've been there. Hissy fits, uncooperative children, needles sticking out of 'finished' projects (not needles here, but ends that haven't been woven in because "I've run out of time and need to get a photo of some sort for the yarn along"...

  15. Ha, brilliant! I love a well cropped picture! Always take many well-cropped shots in my house with piles of washing/snotty tissues/screaming toddlers well out of camera range! x

  16. Ahhh, hissy fits. Those are so fun.

    I love Roald Dahl so much. The "Fantastic Mr. Fox" movie is darn good too (Wes Anderson version from a few years ago).

  17. What's a hissy fit? (hahaha) Good to know I am not the only one! We love Roald Dahl, that same book was the first "real book" my daughter read.

  18. oh my gosh greer i love you. if my children were still small that would be me too. that is a darling photo.

  19. Haha, love this post! Hope your little one is feeling better.

    Great hat!


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