Saturday, September 1, 2012

Photo A Day August

After the fun I had in July, I decided to join in with Fat Mum Slim's Photo A Day challenge again for August, over on Catch Photography's Facebook group. I missed a few this time, but here are some nifty collage thingos (via Picmonkey) of the ones I managed.

1. outside

2. one
3. coin  5. logo
6. writing  7. 8 o'clock

 8. glasses
9. messy  10. ring
11. purple  12. spoon

 13. simple
14. arrow  15. ready
16. food

 17. faces
18. inside  19. hole
21. cool  22. home

23. pair
24. path  25. fresh
26. dream

27. tap
29. down  30. card
31. hidden


  1. You take such beautiful pictures. I love them!

  2. Your pics are truly lovely - thanks for sharing them. Such sweet little ones too :-)

  3. Awesome captures Greer, I love your interpretation of the themes. So good! x

  4. A few days away from blogland and what a treat reading all your posts! These collages are fantastic. I love "pair" and "simple" the best. But "faces" - is it me or is that one a bit creepy? :-) xx

    1. Completely creepy, Gillian. You should see that doll in real life! (Her eyebrows used to move up and down too...) x

  5. Hi Greer, You are amazing! And the girls are amzinger!!

  6. Hello Greer, I'm Jane. Just happened across your blog, somehow. Your photos are really great. I particularly love the one of the tap through the lattice, and the littlies having a kiss!! So cute. best wishes, Jane x


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