Saturday, May 11, 2013


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013" via Che and Fidel.

Lola: Flicking through a bookshop catalogue, she declared, "I know someone who would love this book...and that someone is ME!"
Pearl: She lost her dummy a few weeks ago, then surprised me by falling asleep without it. Alas, she found it the next day. It went missing again this week, and again she fell asleep without a problem. This time, I found it and have ensured it remains firmly 'lost'. I think we're free at last!!!!
Stella: Her best friend at preschool is a boy called Hamish. "I love him," she tells me wistfully.

Previous 52 portraits here.

By the way, thank you for your lovely feedback about my funny little video. What nice people you are!!! 


  1. Oh your girls are all so gorgeous and all three seem to just glow with energy and spirit. mel x

  2. P.S: I wish Lamb could lose her dummy and happily go to sleep without it. If we couldn't find one of them (there are many scattered around the house) we would NEVER hear the end of it.

  3. Lovely, lovely, lovely.

    My best friend all throughout my child care years was a boy named Jason.
    I still wonder what he is up to these days.

  4. Sunny was getting ready to go to bed tonight and I made the suggestion that since she's ALMOST 5 maybe she could be brave and sleep without her little blankie. She looked at me for a moment and said "Maybe I will need it to sleep with and me teddy too!" She'll always be my baby! Plenty of time for her to be all grown up yet...

    Your babies portraits are just adorable!

    Sophie xo

    P.S My daughter has a BF at preschool too - They do puzzles together :)

  5. Love these shots Greer, portraits of portraits :)

  6. That picture of Stella is mesmerising. Just beautiful xx

  7. Adorable... all three of your precious girls. Love your photos this week xx

  8. ADORABLE! really such a sweet collection. and what a fun way to show off their sweet school portraits. xo


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