Saturday, May 25, 2013

Thank You!

To everyone who popped in for a cuppa over the past few days, thank you!
To everyone who left comments giving encouragement and support, thank you!
To everyone who shared the love and spread the word, thank you!
To the incredibly kind people who donated goodies for the giveaway, thank you!
To the beautiful guests who told their stories - Christina, Vanessa, Jodi, Mel and Claire - thank you!
To the 55 of you (55!!!) who clicked over to the Australia's Biggest Morning Tea site and donated money, thank you!
To those people who shared their stories, even if you left me in puddles of tears several times during the week, thank you.

To those who helped get us to the first fundraising goal of $1,000 by halfway through day two, thank you! And to those who pushed us up to the second goal of $2,000 last night, THANK YOU!

We raised $2,170. I don't know what to say.

Thank you! It was a good thing that happened here this week.

Prize winners have been announced back here.

(If you're in Canberra tomorrow, I'll be at the Mathilda's Market at Albert Hall from 9-1 with a whole lot of hats. And on Monday I'm planning on having a little collapse...)


  1. Fan-bloody-tastic Greer. I hardly ever swear when I write but that's what came into my head as I read your words. What a wonderful thing you did here. Huge applause for you. x

  2. ohh, just spied the fine print .... your in town tomorrow! I'd love to pop buy with a late for you, soy of course, or would it be more fitting if it were tea? Not sure if I'll make it out though..... either way hope it is a great day for you!

    1. Rachel! I'd love to see you if you can make it. I'm not sure how busy it will be. x

  3. beautiful, beautiful. every last drip drop sip of tea in this lovely week. xo

  4. i've been away and missed out on this, but how wonderful it all sounds! congratulations greer!

  5. Congratulations Greer!
    I have loved every post...and every last drop of coffee and tea!

  6. Hooray, hooray, hooray! Such a wonderful event and so much effort on your behalf, so thank you!

    We shall tidy up and leave quietly so you can have a rest. xx

  7. Look like you had an amazing morning! well done

  8. Popping in from Fox's Lane. I love your header and your photos! Adding you on my bloglovin feed :) Jana @ 333 Days of Hand Lettering

  9. Amazing work! The world needs more of you!


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